How Do I Follow Up With Someone Who Was Interested But Can't Move Forward Right Now?

Anytime a prospect gives you a "timeline" objection, it is vital to first nail down that this is their ONLY objection to working with you.

Here's an example conversation:

Prospect: "I am definitely interested. However, I have a few other things on my plate this month, so I think it would be best if we could get started working together at the start of next month."

You: "Definitely makes sense! So, just so I am understanding correctly, you are 100% all-in on the process and in working together and the investment, it's just a matter of timing?"

Prospect: "Yes, that is correct."

You: "Got it, no problem! Just wanted to make sure. In that case then what we would do is we can clear that initial $X,XXX investment today just so we have that all squared away, and then on the first of next month we will be all prepared to get started working with you!"

Prospect: "Well, actually, I don't think I can pay today. It definitely sounds like a good investment but it is a little expensive for me right now..."

The reason I present this example is because timing is one of the most common "shadow objections" you will encounter when you begin speaking to business owners. What this means is that they will tell you 1 thing is the reason they can't pay/start right now, but in reality it is another reason entirely.

Anytime you run into a "shadow objection", it is important to dig deep and get extreme clarity on EXACTLY what the business owner is wondering/worried about before you try and tackle it, otherwise you will simply be wasting your time and lose the sale. 

In the above example (which is one of the most common objections we get on our sales calls, to this day) the prospect initially told us they were 100% bought in and it was just a matter of timeline. But, when it comes to actually paying, they suddenly have problems with the price, it being too expensive, etc. AKA all reasons completely different from what they told you before.

This is where recording your sales calls using an app like TapeACall or Zoom comes in handy, as you'll be able to identify exactly where you "lost" a sale and exactly what the REAL objection was, rather than the shadow objections that ultimately had nothing to do with the sale.

Very rarely are you going to find someone who is actually interested but wants to delay. That is like going to the doctor with a massive knife sticking out of your back and then saying "Yeah I think I'm gonna wait a few weeks to get that surgery for it."

Either, they do not have large enough pain (at which point, the sale was lost during discovery), or, they do not have enough belief/trust in you and your system in helping them (at which point, the sale was lost during the pitch).

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