How To Craft Compelling Niche Messaging

One of the biggest mistakes I see most beginners make is skipping over the niche research process, in hopes of getting to the "fun stuff" in the program faster.

While I can understand wanting to get to the "making money" part of business quickly, it is vital to understand that niche selection & compelling messaging is the foundation that your entire business will be built around.

If you do not have compelling messaging, you will struggle to get responses to your outreach, and even more difficulties closing potential prospects.

Your business will be built on the fundamentals of having a clear niche chosen and truly understanding their problems - everything else from there is actually a lot easier because you have heard from the market.

Doing this will give you confidence in what you are offering because it is something they have told you they need - similar to if you were trying to be a world-class basketball player - but the way you've always shot the ball is with your feet then the fundamentals of basketball are poor- hence making it extremely difficult to be a good basketball player.

Once you have selected a niche (and ensuring it matches all of the criteria that we look for in high ticket niches), it is time to begin crafting your messaging that will be using during outreach.

Inside the modules, we provide you with templates to use at every step of the process. However, it is important to customize these templates using niche-specific messaging.

The goal of niche-specific messaging is to communicate to a business owner that you are an authority figure in their industry, and ONLY work with business owners in their industry.

For example, let's say you select the solar installation industry. Instead of saying "I help solar installers get 3-5 new customers each month" (which is generic, and could apply to any business) a better example would be "I help solar installers get 3-5 new PV installations each month".

It seems like a small change, but PV installations is wording that is specific to the solar industry, and when read by a solar sales professional will communicate to them that you clearly understand their industry more than the average person, and they will be much more likely to want to speak with/work with you.

Another example of proper use of niche-specific messaging is being specific in the problems that the niche is facing.

For example, in the roofing industry some of the most common "traditional" forms of marketing are going door-to-door cold knocking, or something that is called "storm chasing". 

As these are marketing strategies specific to the roofing industry, it would be worthwhile to include a line like "Tired of door knocking and storm chasing to hunt down potential new roofing contracts?" into your messaging, as similar to the previous example, this will communicate to business owners in your niche that you understand their industry and make them more likely to speak/work with you.

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